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Your intuition is like a muscle and in order for it to get stronger you’ve got to work it out.  Just like the muscles in your body, if you don’t use them they get weaker.  Strengthening your intuition requires consistent action.  By taking action you build the relationship with your own inner voice, the way it guides you and the results that it creates in your life.   Here are 5 Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Intuition starting today:

1.  Ask Your Intuition for Guidance.  Ask and you shall receive and that goes for your intuition as well.  Asking your intuition questions will create a response back.  A simple question you can ask is “What do I need to know about this situation?” and allow for the insights to come through.  Know that your intuitive message can come in the forms of ideas, images, feelings or words.

2.  Take Baby Steps.  Taking action upon your intuition is the best way to see where it leads you to and for you to understand if your intuition is right on track.  Often times making big intuitively guided decisions can be overwhelming so simply start with small steps.  You can use my example of wandering the streets of NYC allowing my intuition to lead me and see what shows up for you.  Or when you’re driving you may notice that for some reason you have a feeling to turn left and take a different route to find out later that you were able to avoid sudden traffic.

3.  Check Your Feelings First.  Often times when we have a decision to make, we want to ask what other people what they think or receive advice about what we should do.  Before saying a word to anyone, check in with your feelings first.  Ask yourself  “How do I intuitively feel about this and why?”  Trust in what you receive.

4.  Play Intuitive Games.  Strengthen your intuitive muscles and imagination by playing guessing games.  The next time you’re waiting for an elevator try and guess which one will open up.  When watching a sports game, guess who the winning team will be or the final score.  Or when the phones rings, intuitively sense who is calling you.  These are all fun ways to flex your intuitive muscles.

5.  Track Your Intuition.  Write down the guidance you receive and the times that your intuition is correct.  By journaling this process and tracking the different ways intuitive messages show up for you, this helps you trust yourself and your intuition.

To learn a step by step system that strengthens your intuition so you can really begin creating life exactly the way that you are meant to live it, then I invite you to learn more about my HeART of Intuition Brilliance Private Coaching Programs.  Together we get you clear in your heart, your soul and your purpose and have a rock star time throughout the journey!  To set up your free Soul Activation Call please email

Seeing you living in brililance, joy and abundance! Namaste!