I love receiving compliments. But that wasn’t always the case. Actually I used to be a compliment basher, constantly tearing down the sincere words people would say to me.
Friend: “Wow Chrissy, I love your hair!”
Me: “I’m so due for a haircut though. It’s covered in split ends.”
Friend: “You’re such a great artist. This is my favorite painting in the whole collection.”
Me: “It’s not exactly how I want it to be but it’s getting there.”
Awkward. Not gracious.
Makes the person giving the compliment feel insulted.
This is the fourth chakra in action, the energy center of giving and receiving love. When you deflect compliments, you’re closing yourself off from receiving love from the world.
Here are five ways on how to accept a compliment with grace AND open up your heart chakra to receive love too.
1. Say Thank You. Such a simple phrase yet so often I hear lots of clients who tell me that the Thank You doesn’t end there. It’s a Thank You but and the string of deflecting comments. Or they feel extremely uncomfortable. It may take a while to get used to receiving, but I encourage you to simply look into the person’s eyes, smile, and say thank you. Then pause and breathe the compliment into your heart and body, letting it settle in.
2. Never downplay the compliment. By saying phrases like, “Thanks but it’s not a big deal” you’re actually rejecting the other person and take away their opportunity to give or express how they feel in the moment about you.
3. Be aware of matching compliments. If you find yourself automatically going into giving an immediate compliment, notice that may also be a sign of not receiving. Instead, let yourself embrace the moment and when you have something genuine you want to share, return one back too. Don’t just spit out a compliment to try to one up what the person just said to you.
4. See a compliment as a gift. By not accepting compliments, you take the opportunity away from someone to give. If you were to give a thoughtful present to your best friend, she opens it up, takes a quick look, sets it aside and walks away. How would that make you feel? Exactly. Let yourself receive.
5. Give yourself permission to feel deserving, worthy, and loved. Accepting a compliment is an act of self-love. You are allowing yourself to be seen for what another person is honoring you for – whether that’s your veggie lasagna or the speech you just gave. By doing so, you’re giving yourself the blessing of saying yes to who you are, what you are offering, and the beauty that you shine.
This is a great time during the holidays to practice accepting compliments with grace. You’ll be giving you, the person who wants to acknowledge you, and your heart chakra the magic of presence, love, and sincere gratitude.
Make sure you check out my holiday sales happening! All Chakra Kits are 50% off and all Energy Infused Inspirational Art is 40% off!
Simply use coupon code intuitionholiday2014 when you checkout. They are perfect as gifts or a self-care present for yourself.
You can go on a love spree by clicking here:
Chakra Kits to Heal, Balance, and Clear Out Your Seven Sacred Energy Centers
Inspirational Fine Art Prints Infused with Healing Energy
Happy heart opening! Namaste!