by Christina Ambubuyog | Feb 7, 2014 | christina's clairvoyant explorations, intuition - psychic, love - spirituality - inspiration - meditation, sexiness - sensuality - passion
Yes we are in the month of love and I’m feeling guided to create this Opening Your Heart Series and get a little gushy with the four letter word. I’m feeling inspired not only because it’s February but because I was Skyping with my dear angelic friend, intuitive...
by Christina Ambubuyog | Jan 17, 2014 | intuition - psychic, love - spirituality - inspiration - meditation, sexiness - sensuality - passion
Sound is a powerful healing force that really affects our energy. Music plays such an important role in our ability to stay connected with our Soul, help us grow, and uplift our Spirits. I get asked often what kinds of music I like to meditate to or use in my classes...
by Christina Ambubuyog | Oct 5, 2013 | christina's clairvoyant explorations, love - spirituality - inspiration - meditation, sexiness - sensuality - passion
“I love getting my hair done and my eyebrows too. I can’t wait to try that Tarte mascara that Erika’s been raving about. Oh and I need to stop at the MAC store to check out Riri’s new collection.” These were my streams of thoughts, as I was getting ready to head out...
by Christina Ambubuyog | Feb 14, 2013 | christina's clairvoyant explorations, intuition - psychic, love - spirituality - inspiration - meditation, sexiness - sensuality - passion
I’m giggling as I write this because I woke up this morning feeling madly in love. With whom? Myself of course! And yes it’s Valentine’s day and either you love it or loathe it, falling into the category of gushy romantic or Hallmark holiday. I...
by Christina Ambubuyog | Nov 30, 2012 | art - photos - music - creativity, christina's clairvoyant explorations, love - spirituality - inspiration - meditation, sexiness - sensuality - passion, travel - nature
“I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” Anais Nin I spent a week in the beginning of November in Kauai participating and co-leading at the Mermaid Retreat created by the gorgeous Goddess Christabel Zamor. It was a luscious...
by Christina Ambubuyog | Aug 18, 2011 | business - abundance - wealth, sexiness - sensuality - passion
My cousin Irene was in town last weekend and we had so much fun! It was her first time in Vegas and we explored, played, danced and were being super silly all weekend. Irene is like a sister to me, she’s only a year younger and we all used to live in the same house...