Happy awesome Friday the 13th! Have you ever seen the movie Saturday the 14th? That just popped into my head when I wrote that, I saw it when I was a kid and it’s soooo silly! Perfect movie to go with today’s article 🙂
It’s May babaaay! May is my birthday month so shout outs to all my I Love Intuition Taureans!!! WOOHOOOOO! May’s gemstone is emerald which is all about the heart chakra, so it definitely activates the love in all of us. This love has been wanting me to share more and more gifts for you… so another FREE teleclass is coming up here very soon so stay tuned for sign ups for that!
As well as a new Ask Christina Q&A Videos I’ll be creating. The way it’ll work is you can submit your question you would like an intuitive reading on, or any question you have about intuition development, psychic abilities, living your soul purpose, creating a successful heart centered business and just whatever is on your mind and heart you’d like me to answer! Then one lucky person will have their question answered on video and I’ll be doing that twice a month. YAY!
Anna, Me and Natalie playing at Marquee Night Club
I kicked off May’s magic with a great weekend full of play. My BFF Natalie came for a visit and we’re like two psychic peas in a pod. We met in clairvoyant school nearly 10 years ago and it was a reuniting of a past life soul sister and we’ve been besties since. So like the good savvy psychics that we are, we indulged in the Las Vegas night clubs, poolside cabanas and plenty of shopping. Oh and of course gave each other readings too! But I think that just naturally happens during conversations anyways between us.
There was lots of laughter all weekend and I can’t wait to see her in a few weeks since I’ll be heading on back to Chi-town 🙂 YAY!
Seeing you living in brilliance, joy and abundance! Namaste!