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Here’s another fun and simple creative video exercise that you can do to stimulate your Intuition. By engaging in your imagination you stimulate the right side of your brain which is the creative and intuitive side. The more you begin to access this part of your brain, the stronger your intuition will develop. In this video I’ll show you one way that you can start doing that today! This time you will definitely need color: crayons, markets, pencils, colored pens whatever kinds of color writing utensils you have available, grab them and let’s go 🙂

For more ways to engage your imagination and learn proven energetic tools to awaken your intuition so that you can use it to propel your life and business, then you will love The HeART of Intuition Brilliance One on One Private Coaching Program. It’s a step-by-step process that I teach you to harness your intuition in a way that is fully customized to move you forward in achieving your unique goals, intentions and dreams I invite you to experience a complimentary I Love Intuition Soul Activation Call today.