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Holy Mary Mother, the all-new I LOVE INTUITION WEBSITE is here!

I am sitting here on my California king bed, ultra giddy and nervous as all heck.  The all-new ILI website is finally complete.  Well in truth, there are always things to do on it but it’s exactly where it needs to be and we’ll continue to build out the other aspects over the next coming weeks.  But I will no longer let perfectionism keep me from getting this baby out there!

So TADA!  Here she is.  I hope you love her because she is all yours.  You help shape her, along with Spirit and my intuition that guides me to do things differently and make things fresh.

This is a longer post than usual but I want to make sure I give you a little flashback of my website journey, give you the head’s up on what’s new, share my gratitude for everyone who put this baby together, AND my TWO FREEBIES!!!  So make sure you read the whole thing through.

I thought I would amuse myself (and you!) and give you a snapshot of the birth of all this magic from my very first website to today.

My very first site going full-fledged into this woo woo world giving readings and energy healings started at  I used Dreamweaver and a template to build it all on my own in January of 2008.  Oh the humble beginnings fill me with love.

beechrissy website

Then I met the amazing Lisa Yuan in one of my meditation classes and she was the one that lovingly asked if she could update my website for me.   I swallowed my website shame and said yes for her support.  And in 2010, I went from to and this is what she looked like.

ILI website 2011


Now as things have evolved, so has my digital Queendom.  And with the support of Lisa once again, we have birthed another new I Love Intuition today!

From this journey, I have learned that you just have to go with the flow and get it out there.  It’s not going to be perfect the first time around and what you create in your business is always evolving.  As you can see with my very first website, it’s not cute at all but at the time I was soooo extremely proud of myself for getting my services out there and just starting somewhere.

If you find yourself waiting for the perfect time, that perfection is never going to happen.  Clarity and growth comes through action.

First things first, let me tell you what’s new around here:

    1. New programs and services.  I am currently offering private readings and private mentoring but I will be transitioning out of that and focusing more on group programs and retreats.

      I still have my one-on-one intuitive/psychic readings but they now have a new name: I Love Clarity Soul Jam Session.  It’s a one-hour reading where we’ll focus in on where you need the most support in your business, clearing any energy needed and solidifying an action plan.

      There is only one option now for private mentoring/coaching and that is a 3-month journey called the I Love Freedom Program.  It’s high touch, high level, tons of support and unlimited access to me for massive growth and movement from the inside out.

      Ignite Your Intuition is in the making.  I am revamping my HeART of Intuition Brilliance private program and turning that baby into a group program so I can start building a thriving community and share more of these energetic tools with more entrepreneurs worldwide.  To be on the *first to know list*, sign up for my newsletter in the green box above.

      Live in person retreats.  I just had my first ever retreat in Lake Tahoe, CA last month with my girl Kyrstie Barrett and we’re doing it again.  It’s called Art of Trust and it’s happening here in Vegas baby!  Again, sign up for my newsletter to be the first to know when we open up seats for that.

    2. Creating community.  The Soul of I Love Intuition is craving community.  I will be opening up my blog for guest articles, interviewing more amazing entrepreneurs who are creating positive change in the world, and bringing more and more people together who can understand the language of intuition, support each other, make lifelong connections and spread love in big ways.One of my intentions is to make this a multicultural Spiritual community with kindred creative Souls from all different backgrounds be here as One.Growing up in Chicago, my crew represented every facet of the globe and I want to recreate that feeling of oneness and connection all over again.  So if you’re wondering why the Spiritual community isn’t as diverse as it could be, you’ve found your home.  I’m creating it right here baby.
    3. 15 Minute FREE Soulgasm Sessions.  Sounds intriguing?  Well it is.  One thing I can absolutely say I’m great at (and this is from over 10 years of giving intuitive/psychic readings) is how freakin’ fast I can tune in energetically nowadays.  In under 15 minutes you will be able to create insane amounts of clarity in one question you have about your business and at the same time, see if we’re a match made in heaven to work more closely through my I Love Freedom program and the soon to be here Ignite Your Intuition group program.

      Each month I will be offering limited slots to receive a Free 15 Minute Soulgasm.  To know when those slots open up, sign up for my newsletter for a chance to use my psychic powers.

    4. Welcoming the Masculine.  In the past I have focused much of my energy working with women.  Yet, the men that I have been blessed to work with has been absolutely inspiring and offer such a unique energy to the Soul of I Love Intuition as well.Soulful men, we need you.I ask for you to step up and be a part of the I Love Intuition Community and bring with you the presence of masculine energy of action, perseverance, and protection.

      I invite you to welcome the intuitive feminine energy that already resides within you so that you can receive more abundance, radiance and guidance to help you achieve your visions too.

So now you know what’s up!  Time to give thanks!

With gratitude in my heart, I’m beyond blessed to have these ultra creative, smart and wise people who truly believe in my vision.   They all have the I Love Intuition Seal of Soul Approval!

Lisa Yuan – Web Programmer Goddess.  When you need someone to tech you out, look no further.

Anna Arphan – Graphic Designer Goddess.  Created the new ILI logo, colors and making the site look gorgeous.

Bev Asllanaj – Online Business Manager and Assistant Goddess.  If you need social media support and virtual support, this mama has been with me through thick and thin.

Natalia Sobiewski – Productivity Goddess.  Kept me super accountable, provided feedback and edits and the daily check ins to get it all done.  She loved calling me out when I was being a big baby and wanted to take a break from it all.

Irene Ambubuyog – Cousin and sister.  I called on her English major degree to help with edits and to correct my grammar.  Even though I still like to make up my own words.

Paul Vergara – My bestie for listening to me talk about this website all day, everyday and putting up with my cranky moments when I vent with overwhelm.

Erika Lyremark – Business Whipstress to whip me a new business model, feedback on crafting copy and own my power.

Vincent Cu – Las Vegas based Photographer.  He makes you look your best, even when shooting at 7am in 45-degree weather.

Chris Saquido – Chicago based Photographer.  My cousin and brother who made me look like a fairy in the forest.

And finally, freebie time!

Freebie #1:
I am opening the doors for you to receive a Free 15 Minute Soulgasm Session from Tuesday August 14 – Thursday August 16.  I’m going to squeeze in as many Souls as I can in those three days so apply for a free spot right here.  Once you apply, you’ll receive an email from us to schedule your session.

Freebie #2:
Leave a comment below telling me which Chakra Kit you want and why you feel it will help you in your life and business.  I will be choosing 3 lovely Souls to receive that Chakra Kit, I’ll announce it in my next newsletter and you’ll receive a personal email too!

Please share this website with your friends and fam via facebook and twitter.  Let’s celebrate and spread intuitive love together!  I’m excited to be here with you.

Hugs and Love!