Toxicity is everywhere in our environment. And I’m not talking about germs or pollution here but mental and energetic toxins such as cultural spells, negativity thinking and lower level energies of fear or anger.
You’ve got to keep your space clean and clear, reduce the noise and clutter to open up your awareness and intuition.
In today’s video I give you 3 easy ways to detox your energy and begin getting back in touch with your inner voice.
Just committing to these 3 simple tips this week will greatly affect your aura, energy and begin increasing your intuition.
Now here’s my request for you:
After you watch the video, leave a comment below and tell me which one of the three tips are you going to implement today. That way I can hold the intention for you too (two energies are much stronger than one!).
Let me know how it goes and if you’ve got any questions or any more spa for the soul tips you can share, please do!
To receive more effective and deeper ways to clear the noise and truly strengthen your intuition, my HeART of Intuition Brilliance Programs give you the exact tools you need. Grab a spot for a one on one private Savvy Soul Session by emailing Oh and btw, it’s totally free.
And of course, a big squeeze of gratitude for watching!
Seeing you living in brilliance, joy and abundance! Namaste!
I Egg!
I am going to start today with detoxifying my energy by hanging around people and places that are positive and supportive! Yay!
Hi Egg! Awesome 🙂 I am doing cleanse of people too. XO!
i really enjoyed this video post of yours, bee. it was really in sync with what i had been going thru the last week or so. your tips are a relief and valuable to know. thank you for sharing. i will definitely begin practicing/implementing them. i hope you are well… hope to see ya soon~
Hello my dear! So happy you enjoyed the vid and it’s in alignment with what’s going on for you 🙂 Let me know how your energetic detoxing goes! love and light!