Let's adventure into the depths of your Soul!

A sacred portal of soulful guidance, coaching, and creation. 

Visions come to fruition, inner whispers are no longer ignored, and your Soul's purpose is wildly expressed.

I have a soft spot for visionaries, entrepreneurs, leaders, mystics, creatives, teachers, healers, truth tellers, and rebel Souls. Those of you who are doing transformational work, whether that's through your own business or within a company, community, or your artistry. 

Working together through private coaching is for those who are ready to venture into the depths of your Soul's calling, to see your visions comes to life, and bring forth all of who you are. We'll explore, play, shape-shift, destroy, resurrect, and honor what is most needed in each moment while continually aligning to your highest vision.


An ambitious and wildly passionate soulful entrepreneur or professional who has a big heart, loves to get things done, cares deeply about humanity and the interconnectedness with each other and the planet.

You’ve done all the "right" things, taken all the courses, but your life or business are not exactly where you want it to be. Something still feels "amiss" even when you sense your own wholeness. 

You yearn for more and less.

More flow, less hustle.

More magic, less pushing.

More trust, less fear.

More meaning, less distractions.

More abundance, less unworthiness.

More expansion, less holding yourself back. 

You desire support and accountability to move beyond procrastination, stagnation, or overwhelm.  You know it’s time for you to step it up, be bold, shine brilliant and own your power. 

The next evolution of your Soul is calling you and you can't seem to shake it off. Freeing yourself from self doubt and fully trusting your intuition is how you want to glow. 


A soul seer and spiritual teacher. Creativity catalyst and idea generator. Clairvoyant and strategist. I have a knack for taking your brilliant ideas and hot mess of challenges into streamlined do-able steps that harness both energy and practical action.

As an intuitive and energy healer, I can psychically see where energetic blocks are within your body, chakras, and aura helping you release the ties that bind creating freedom and forward movement in your life and business.

As a certified Spiritual and Life coach, I bring forth deep transformation and skilled facilitation to tap into your inner knowing and truth.

As a business owner both in the holistic and creative space and supporting a wide range of businesses from health and wellness to tech to finance, I have an intimate relationship with sharing my gifts, turning my passions into profits, and being of service to others.

I never claim to know more than you as I trust YOU have all the answers within. Instead, I hold a potent container where your gifts are unleashed, outdated patterns are disrupted, your intuition is amplified, and simultaneously you get to come home to yourself while transforming into the highest expression of your being. 

The results are deep fulfillment, overall abundance, and fierce faith.



You are unique and how you create and what's being called forth from you is specific to your Soul. We start by looking at your Soul, what it really desires, the dreams it wants to manifest and the way it wants to do that.

This brings us to defining your vision, clarifying your values, remembering your Soul Gifts and getting real about what it will take to make that happen. I’ll make sure you’ve got the tools you need to manage your energy, trust your intuition, and stay in inspired action.


Being real can bring up the internal muck. The cultural ideologies, limiting beliefs and societal shoulds starts to rise up, creating fear, disillusion, and self doubt.

With my clairvoyant flashlight, I hold your hand and we dive deep into the shadows, clearing out shame, guilt, and unworthiness. You radiate passion, authenticity and purpose so much more. My expertise is being able to navigate the dark and is actually one of the unique qualities my Soul came here to give. I see your vision with you and for you and together, we make it happen.


Faith fuels action. When you can trust deeply in your intuition, Spirit and ability to know which way to go, movement is inevitable. Purpose and action ignite quantum results.

Whether you want meaning and money, rock star clients, luscious and loving relationships, start your own business or up your current entrepreneurial game, my clairvoyant and strategic know how will get you there.

Your Soul is brilliant and unique.

This coaching journey is Divinely channeled and 

customized exactly for YOU.


✦ Anchor deeper into your purpose, amplify your Soul gifts, and express it through your business, career, relationships, and community.

✦ Strengthen your intuition, follow through with those intuitive hits, and embody more trust in your inner voice and connection with Spirit.

✦ Unhook you from old paradigms of marketing, leadership, and success rooted in cultural ideologies, oppressive systems, and shame. 

✦ Create and package up your expertise through programs or service offerings that align with your Soul gifts  and call in your dream clients. 

✦ Explore deep seated beliefs, fears, and challenges that inhibit you from fully sharing your magic, speaking your truth, and leading with confidence.

✦ Delve into and release outdated patterns, energetic blocks and restrictions, seal up energy leaks, and clear misalignments within your Soul's story, Akashic field, energetic body, and timeline.

✦ Refine your business model, offerings, and marketing avenues so they reflect your unique magic and medicine.

✦ Create a rhythm, schedule, or practice that allow you to show up rested, ready, and able to give from your overflow. 

✦ Set goals that are inspiring, soulful and exciting to accomplish that energizes you instead of burning you out. 

✦ And so much more!

Let's remember your essence and co-create magic! 

This is no cookie cutter coaching program. I partner with you as your intuitive guide, spiritual coach, life and business strategist. You're held in an alchemical container where we illuminate and clear energetic blocks, express your Soul's calling, and weave your gifts, medicine, and purpose in all that you touch. 

We kick off our journey with a 2-hour Creative Soul Jam session that includes uncovering into your Soul Purpose and getting clear on your unique vibrational essence, alignment of your values, and what your Soul Gifts and embody YOU fully.

From here, we’ll get clear on what’s emerging from your Soul, address the fears and what’s stopping you both practically and energetically, prioritize and create clarity from chaos. You’ll walk away from the first session with clear intentions and a heart wide open to receive your dreams.

From there we get down and dirty (in a good way!). Each session is unique and customized to what you most need in each moment. You’ll experience a blend of spiritual coaching, energy alchemy healing, and down to earth practical action that gets you to where you want to be.

We will work together to get you expressing your purpose, trusting your intuition and living the life you know you are meant to live!

This is a deep dive of discovery, integration, and wholeness. The following is included:

  • 1 Creative Soul Jam Session.  A 90-minute kickoff call to get clear on your intentions, vision, energy and strategic way we'll get there.
  •  60-minute sessions. These calls are customized based on what you most need and how your Soul is being called forth into your vision. They may encompass energy clearing, business building, and of course strengthening your intuition and sharing your gifts. You will receive two sessions per month.
  • Soul Blueprint. A PDF guide detailing your Divine Soul Gift and how you uniquely express the essence of who you are and your purpose. 
  • Daily Distant Energy Healing. Every morning I have my own meditation and healing practice that I've steadily been doing for close to 20 years. During this time,  you will be added to my distant healing practice. These energy healings are an added boost to help you clear unwanted energies and amplify your brilliance while holding your bold vision with you and for you. Please note I am not "healing you" but rather creating a powerful container to create transformation and aiding in the release of energy + the ability for you to access Divine healing light that is available to you at all times. 
  • Access to Ignite Your Intuition. This is my 6-week online program that contains energy tools and techniques to fully access your intuition, clear your aura, dialogue with your higher self and strengthen your connection with Spirit to create authentically, abundantly and powerfully.
  • 3-month or 6-month package. You have the option between a 3-month or 6-month journey.  The price is $2000 or $4000 with payment plans available. 

I invite you to apply.

I’ll review all submissions and if I truly feel I can support you, then you’ll receive an
email with instructions to schedule your complimentary 60-minute Express Your Soul Session.

To be clear, this complimentary call is NOT a free intuitive and psychic reading but an exploration of what your soul desires, for you to experience being supported by me in a safe and sacred space, and to know if we are a good match for ongoing support through private mentoring or coaching.
Strictly love and absolutely no pressure or strings attached.  

Create a Life and Business that is a true expression of your Soul Gifts, visions, values, and purpose. 

 If you’re feeling called to…

  • ✦ Use your intuition to know what direction to take, who to hire or partner with, grow your bank account or cultivate fierce faith
  • ✦ Create a life and business that supports you spiritually, emotionally and financially
  • ✦ Live with more play, passion, meaning and abundance
  • ✦ Master energy techniques to release limiting patterns, beliefs that keep you stuck in fear and procrastination
  • ✦ Grow into the next level of your purpose
  • ✦ Confidently show up as you in your relationships, your work and in your life, creating deeper connections, more love and more opportunities.

Then I invite you to journey together.

By trusting in their intuition and shining their light, those who have worked with me have experienced:

  • ✦ Trusting their intuition with confidence and certainty
  • ✦ Doubling and tripling their business revenues
  • ✦ Sealing the deal with a book publisher
  • ✦ Making career moves that bring in more money, time with family, and meaning
  • ✦ Landing opportunities to work hand in hand with legendary musicians
  • ✦ Discovering their purpose and launching heart centered businesses
  • ✦ Clearing stuck energy from over 30 years of unworthiness and shame to finally owning their value and gifts
  • And so much more!

Ready to dive deep and create a life and business that is a full expression of YOU? 

I invite you to apply and explore what working together would look like.

Justine Van Impe

"Prior to getting into Christina’s Private Coaching Program, I was completely overworked, absolutely failing in juggling a home based business and two part time jobs. My relationship was falling apart and I had not taken a single day off, let alone some time for myself – in 2 years! I felt guilty every night for not having accomplished more during the day. Despite all my best efforts, money was not coming in and my business associates were driving me crazy. Something had to change, and thoroughly.

Her coaching enabled me to live in my own truth and be fully present and focused.  Chrissy did an amazing job, helping me shift my energy, re-connecting with my intuition, and YES – even finding my purpose in life.

I do not recognize my life anymore. Thanks to Christina’s gentle but firm encouragements, I managed to completely restructure my company. I learnt to delegate and empower other people. My business team has been re-organized as well and our mission statement and values are eventually being respected. Our company – both client base and revenue – has steadily grown! Furthermore, my relationship is back on track and I love myself again. I’ve learned the real value of time and am consistently taking time off for me, without any guilt. Life is wonderful again!!!

What immediately stood out are Christina’s amazing listening skills. She does not pretend or listen half-heartedly; on the contrary, she gets to the bottom of things, clears through all the clutter and knows how to turn things around. She is incredibly encouraging, a lot of fun, her laugh alone already is like a bucket of vitamin C, yet she is firm enough to make you comprehend that sometimes change is necessary and can be quite positive. The steps she suggests are simple to follow, not necessarily easy, this depends on the amount of internal (or external) boundaries you’re facing, but simple and definitely worth following!

Christina knows how to bring the best out in people. Thanks to her, I enjoy my life again! If you’re wondering whether Christina is the right coach for you, it’s the same as Nike says. Just do it!"

Angie Bergen

Wellness Coach and Medical Intuitive, WellnessSoulutions.com

I was going through Empty Nest Syndrome when I decided to take Christina’s Coaching Program. I had been wanting to start a business as an Energy Healer for a couple of years, though I had some fear and did not even know where to begin. Christina has such a gift for really listening to what I said, it was like she could see into my soul as to where she needed to lead me.

Christina lead me through some amazing exercises and through those exercises I was able to ground myself and learn to stay connected. One particular exercise opened up my 3rd eye and now my clairvoyance is much greater and it gets stronger every time I use the tools Christina gave me. In just months, I have now opened up for business, working with clients and I even have my own website! Things are now moving in the direction of my Souls purpose.

Her program was amazing, I looked forward to our weekly call. Christina is fun, energetic and compassionate. She has a way of pushing you towards your goals that is fun and challenging.

Christina has such an amazing gift of knowing and seeing even when I couldn’t. I would encourage anyone to receive private coaching with Christina whether it be for personal or business reasons. She is AMAZING!

Jeannie Sullivan

Learning Designer and Coach, JeannieSullivan.com

Before I began working with Christina, I was limited in my ability to see the opportunity before me as a new small business owner. I felt overwhelmed, confused about what direction to take my business, and unsure of the future. Consistently, I was taking on more projects that I could realistically manage based on the fear that additional projects might not arise. My work life was my only life. There was no balance. Though I had ideas for creating my own programs to generate revenue, the dream of moving from a “service for hire” to “program provider” seemed like a lofty goal.

Christina taught me to use energy tools to redirect my fear into reassurance and confidence in future opportunities. What I love about learning from Christina is that she meets you where you are – and creates fun and playful ways to begin using the energy tools.

Within 3 months of beginning the Awaken Your Intuition Power program and implementing the tools that Christina taught me, I experienced an amazing shift in my business. I was able to let go of two major projects that were not giving me the opportunity to truly leverage my gifts as a Coach and Learning Designer to take on new projects that offered more than double the earning potential. All the while, streamlining my client base and beginning to integrate true work/life balance again. Each month, as I continue working with Christina for individual coaching, I continue to build trusted partnerships with amazing colleagues and bid projects with increasing revenue potential.

Christina has a magical way of leading her clients through challenging and life changing realizations, while maintaining a fully supportive and compassionate environment. Due to geographical limitations, Christina and I meet over the phone, but it feels as if she is sitting right beside me during every session. All of our sessions comprise laughter, play, insight, healing, action steps and a vision of what comes next. Christina often follows up our sessions with an email or wonderful tool to support me on my next leg of the journey.

If you’re thinking of working with Christina then stop thinking about it – and give it a try! There is nothing to be lost, yet a wonderful world of insight, connectedness and success to be discovered.

Danielle Zanzarov-Rodriguez

Health Coach

"Working with Christina has provided me with an opportunity to really listen to my heart, to take some time for myself, and to add balance to my life. 

Before working with Christina, I had a good amount of "tunnel vision." I was incredibly focused on one thing... building my business. That meant that i spent most of my days in front of the computer and not truly present to the other things in my life. I remember telling Christina that I would rest when the business is off the ground and profitable. 

Thanks to Christina, I have slowed down and come to appreciate all the moments in my life. I am giving my kids more of the love and attention they need, and I am experiencing more balance and peace. As a result of our work, I feel that I am more aligned with my values and moving forward positively, without the craziness and stress I was carrying along before. 

Christina is incredibly intuitive and can "read between the lines" of what is being said. She asked powerful questions that enabled me to get to the heart of what I wanted and needed. She also allowed me to see my own value and moved me to be able to appreciate what I have to offer the world. Christina is a truly fantastic coach!

If anyone would love to know more about my experience working with Christina, I would love to share! Please do not hesitant to contact me and learn more about the tremendous value I have gained through our work!"

Meet Christina Ambubuyog

Fun fact: Ambubuyog means "bumblebee" in Tagalog.

I'm an intuitive consultant, psychic, energy healer, spiritual teacher, artist and creator of I Love Intuition. Those are all fancy ways of saying that I'm here to help you unleash your Soul's purpose and express it fully, boldly, and from a place of deep service to the world. 

For the past 16 years, I've given thousands of intuitive readings, energy healings, and intuitive coaching to a wide range of spiritual seekers, heart-centered entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders. I teach meditation, expressive arts, and intuitive development workshops, online programs, and retreats. I've also worked with organizations such as United Way, Vistage International, Neiman Marcus, and as a TEDx speaker. 

I have a B.A. in Interactive Multimedia from Columbia College Chicago and I'm also a Certified Life and Spiritual Coach from the International Coach Academy. 

Currently, Phoenix, Arizona is my home base where my husband and I love hiking through the desert, traveling incessantly, chasing sunsets, and living a deliciously peaceful life. 

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