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Intuitive guidance comes to us in four different ways and each of us is unique in our receptivity to messages from spirit. By getting to know how your spirit receives messages you can better understand the way guidance is speaking to you. We have a natural tendency to lean towards one of these abilities but through practice, you can definitely learn to receive information through a combination of all four abilities.

It’s important to remember that when receiving guidance, whether it’s our own intuition or through our Spirit Guides or Angels that these messages will always be loving, focused, supportive and never harmful to you or anyone else!

So let’s meet the Clairs!


Visual images, pictures or movie like scenes that flash in your mind’s eye or even outside of the mind is the ability of “clairvoyance”, which is “clear seeing”. These images, which may appear colorful or even in black and white are usually symbolic in their meanings. Clairvoyance is my strongest ability, probably since I’m an artist, most of my readings are done through receiving pictures or movies or I even see actual words which I describe to you. Sometimes I’ll get flashes of images that have to be pieced together to understand the message behind these images.

Spirit’s messages many times comes through as symbols or metaphors for steps to take in your life. I remember one of the first reading’s I ever gave when I was studying in psychic school, I saw a cartoon like picture of a pencil inside a glass bottle and the pencil was looking confused at the opening above. When I described this picture to the person, I learned (which I didn’t know previously) he was a writer going through writer’s block. So it’s through these types of symbolic images that one can interpret the meaning behind them.


Hearing our inner voice speak to us, or the voice of a Guide or Angel is “clairaudience“, which means “clear hearing”. This voice may sound like our own voice or sound different. Often I hear a message such as “Go call so and so” that rings through my mind or my Guides tend to whisper messages directly into my ear.

Clairaudience is connected with our 5th Chakra which is the energy center for communication. I used to never be able to “hear” messages and now through much meditation and healing work within I have been able to differentiate the voices of intuition and my guides as well as other people’s voices quite accurately.


Spirit can speak to us through bodily sensations also known as “clairsentience” or “clear feeling” of energy. These sensations can come as emotions or actual physical sensations incorporating smell, taste or touch. When I receive clairsentient information, I can get shivers through my skin or when I am making a decision I can feel it in my gut – which is our 2nd Chakra in action.

When people speak of their “gut feeling” that is being in touch with your own clairsentience. Sometimes I feel things in my heart, if something feels right I have a sense of peace in my heart or even expansiveness – such as creative ideas that I want to incorporate feel very bright and light in my chest.

Sometimes people will smell certain scents that signal them their decision is right or even can taste things. I remember being a child and being able to receive scents of my grandmother after she passed away, these scents were brought about with a sense of cool air on my skin. I knew she was around me. It’s not often but I’ve experienced during readings scents and tastes and it’s always a nice surprise since it’s not an ability that I’m so attuned to so I feel good when I’m able to tap into that sense during a reading.

I also feel an actual tug sometimes to go in a certain direction – let’s say I’m using my intuition to find a parking space and I’m stuck between a right or left turn, I take a moment to breathe and feel my body and then I get a tug where my body is pulled towards the left or right and then I just go with that and happily find a parking space waiting just for me!

During readings, my clairsentience activates usually through emotions. My body can sense if an energy is fearful in someone’s space, or if they are feeling anxious, guilt or sadness etc.  Being in touch with your own feelings of intuition can provide great help in discerning what feels right to your spirit.


The ability to just know information without really knowing where it came from is your “claircognizance” or “clear knowing”.  Many of us tend to do away with any information that just “appears out of nowhere” but these are usually inspired ideas and are extremely accurate!

I like it when bright ideas pop into my mind and always thank the Universe when I receive such information… usually, they come as creative insights or a sudden knowing of what my next step is. I have found that my readings have evolved greatly to receive claircognizant information about people without any sort of image or feeling – it’s just information that comes to me.

It’s important to trust ourselves when receiving any form of inner guidance and to even review in our lives when we listened to our intuition and when we didn’t listen to our intuition. This will help you get in touch with the natural way you’re most receptive to messages.

Once you start playing with this natural form of receiving and really understanding how it works for you, then you can start getting to know the other Clairs!

Blessings and Love,
Christina Ambubuyog Signature