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Upping your self care game with mindful eating and empowering your health can sure be daunting.

But without a healthy body, then how can you have the energy to sustain your business, relationships, and purpose?

Your body is the vehicle in which your Soul can live, play and create in this human experience.

And we only have one of these babies this lifetime.

We all know this.  Yet we all struggle in one way or another when it comes to treating our bodies with utmost respect, especially with the foods we eat.

So if you struggle with trying to eat healthy, cutting out the junk and taking control of your wellness, then I’ve got the woman for you!

I’ve got a special I Love Intuition Goddess Guest for you this week! YAY!  I invited my dear friend, Life Purpose Consultant and Longevity Coach Ann Marie Roth, founder of to share her wisdom on why mindful eating is foundational to living your purpose.

She clarifies what really gets in the way of taking ownership with the way we eat and offers you two simple steps you can take to start taking control of your health and vitality!

We would love to hear your experiences.  Have you made a positive change to your health?  What steps did you take to make that happen?

What foods fuel your passions and make you feel more alive, vibrant and purposeful?

Share you answers in the comments below.

Ann Marie will be teaching a FREE teleclass on October 3, 2012 at 7pm EST called “When Detox Goes Bad: Five Common Cleansing Mistakes and Why They Will Take Your Detox Down” so be sure you sign up and learn now to empower your health and purpose  ===>

Thank you so much for watching!

Seeing you living in brilliance, joy and abundance! Namaste.