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So here are the paintings I haven’t posted yet. Enjoy!
Untitled as of now ๐Ÿ˜‰ Acrylic on Wood. 5″ x 7″

“Sage Princess” Acrylic on Wood. 5″ x 7″

“Blossom Love” Acrylic on Wood. 5″ x 7″

The universe sure has its ways of presenting its goodness to you. I am grateful everyday for the many abundances that have been occurring in my life lately. It’s very reassuring to be a part of the greatness that’s all around us and to know that it is supporting me in every way everyday! I have been going to various meditation circles and meeting wonderful people here in las vegas, I believe I was smacked hard energetically moving here and allowing myself to be smacked hard… and so like a baby learning to walk i gots to keep on picking myself and breaking through that thickness ๐Ÿ™‚ And voila, miracles are happening everyday and the light is shining its brightest here in the valley. It’s nice to be around spiritual people working on their own paths and trying to remain centered in the midst of it all. I am grateful for each individual I have met here thus far. Today I met AlixSandra who is the founder of Inner Focus School of Soul Directed Advanced Energy Healing. She is a great light and what a fun lady!!! Thanks for the wonderful meeting today ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve connected with some very powerful individuals lately and big shifts are going to happen in Las Vegas!!! Fabulous!!!

I’ve got more new paintings up my sleeve ๐Ÿ™‚