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If you don’t belong somewhere, don’t fret; the Universe has no issues with *kicking you out*~LoVe, LuCy Smiles

Christina Tubing in Boulder, ColoradoA fellow coaching colleague posted on her facebook this morning “Nothing you want is upstream” and I found that to be so fitting today as I’ve been really listening to my heart and guidance and allowing her to lead the way.  Even if the way is scary because it’s somewhere that requires me to fully let go of what I’ve always known into unfamiliar territory.

This brings up the question of how much do you trust in the natural flow of Spirit?

When you go against the flow of the Universe, you move into struggle. Life isn’t meant to be a struggle – it only is if you BELIEVE it to be.  Not that life isn’t going to present you with challenges along your way but it doesn’t have to be this struggle to get by.  Whenever you experience a stagnant energy in your life or business, you are no longer in alignment with the flow of Spirit.

If this is the case, then stop, ask and listen.

Where is your soul’s compass, your intuition guiding you to go?

What do you need to let go of in order to surrender to the flow and direction of your intuition?

Often times we cling onto what currently is even if what we are experiencing in the present isn’t making us happy.  Know that when you allow for Spirit to support you in the direction of what makes you happy you will always get to exactly where you need to be.
And trust me, if you still don’t know exactly where you need to be – the Universe has a way of kicking you out of the places you truly don’t belong.

Your I Love Intuition Assignment:

  • Get clear about what is not working for you right now. Where are you swimming upstream in your life, struggling to get the results that you want.
  • Let it go.  Surrender it to Spirit and ask “What can I do differently to be back in the flow?”
  • Get quiet and listen to the voice within.  Perhaps the voice tells you to go in a brand new direction, or has you make a change with the way you’re approaching a goal. With the guidance you receive take action and revel in the scenery as you float merrily down the stream.

Your intuition provides you with the clarity to make choices that allow you to be in the graceful flow of the Universe.  If you’re ready to stop struggling and harness the power within you to allow for more abundance and happiness in your life and business, then I invite you to experience a Soul Activation Call. My free gift to you. On this one call alone, you’ll find yourself immediately heading back downstream in the direction of your dreams.  Just send me an email at to set up your complimentary session with me.

Seeing you living in brilliance, joy and abundance! Namaste!