“I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” Anais Nin

1. Embracing the depths of your pain, sadness and grief.

I have been going through some major changes in my life including a divorce that just happened over the past several weeks. It has been immensely emotional to say the least and in the midst of the unraveling I know in my heart that it was authentic to both our paths and feel an underlying peace amongst the crashing waves of change.
During Mermaidia I had a beautiful space to just grieve, shed waterfalls of tears and feel the gravity of emotions that ran through my body. To feel deeply into the depths of your pain creates paths of courage, moves stuck energy and gifts you with the capacity to feel the ecstasy of joy, happiness and love at the highest levels. Cultivate a love for the dark sides of your emotions knowing that the deeper you go, the brighter you shine.
2. Indulge in your sensuality, femininity and radiant beauty.

Make love to yourself daily by pampering your body temple with gentle caressing, wild dancing, poetic singing, and saying I Love You to you. What makes you feel sensual, sexual, pleasurable and heavenly? Nourish yourself in that.
3. Melt into the arms of support.
There was a sacred space of safety initially created and we all were able to add to that sacredness with our compassionate and empathic hearts. I’m feeling the need to create more of this kind of high level support system and community in my life and continue to let myself receive. We are not meant to fulfill our purpose alone. Make sure you have a strong foundation of kindred spirits where you can lean on each other and help each other soar to new heights.
4. Honor your truth. Speak your truth. And be vulnerably honest.

Yet what I learned was to honor my truth, give voice to it and be vulnerable with every facet emotion I was feeling. I engaged in the experiences when I was feeling called to engage, ask for what I needed and take time alone when that was most needed. I am feeling these new levels of self responsibility as I am back in Las Vegas, ready to embark into 2013 in a whole new way. Pay attention to those times when you are taking actions against what you feel you need at the moment. Say yes to your truth without apology but rather with commitment and purpose.
5. Leading a Divinely Blissful Life Requires Commitment.

Living a life you love takes whole hearted commitment. To know what aligns, doesn’t align and to have the courage to let go of the dissonant in order to step into what ignites your Soul. It’s not always the easy path, but it is the most fulfilling because you get to design a life you truly adore.
If you want what you truly want then so much has to shed in order to receive what you so desire. Commit to your heart, your soul, your purpose and passions every single day. Some days are easier than others, but when you focus on a higher way of being, your Divine path is always revealed.
But for now, be willing to dive into the depths of your Soul. A Mermaid thrives in the richness of what’s underneath the surface.

Thank you Christina for reminding me of this: “Cultivate a love for the dark sides of your emotions knowing that the deeper you go, the brighter you shine.”
I’m struggling with a decision and that statement is putting things into perspective. Thanks.
P.S. I didn’t know that you were co-leading the retreat. Are you going to be doing it again?
Hi Lisa! You’re welcome 🙂 Yes the more you can feel dive into the yucky muck of your emotions the more joy and ecstasy we can embody in our lives! Besides, we can’t run away from it – it’s the spectrum of life. XOXO!