My grandfather, Ignacio Ambubuyog, passed on July 4th. A good day to go, be free and off to the next mission of the Soul. I found out in the car while heading to a 4th of July get together via a text from my cousin. I let the tears flow.
That early afternoon I could feel it. An overwhelming sadness in my heart, a heavy exhaustion move through my body, a wanting to stay in bed and not go to this party. I love how we are all so connected.
I flew to Chicago for the funeral services, which was sacred, sorrowful and celebratory all in one. Technically, he is actually my father’s uncle but we called him Lolo (grandfather in Tagalog) because he raised my father since his dad passed when he was 10. To us, he was always our grandfather, the wise one, the leader of the Ambubuyog clan.
The day of the burial began with a Catholic mass. The priest gave a wonderful homily that he called the 3 Mechanics of Staying Awake, in honor of my Lolo’s career as an engineer.
My ears perked up and I listened with my heart. I wanted to share these with you, adding my own Spiritual wisdom to his ideas.
First Mechanic of Staying Awake is Life is Short.
Some days, I can hardly believe I’ve been living in Vegas for almost 8 years or that we’re already in July of 2013. Time doesn’t wait for you. Neither does life. When we truly see how short life is, we can make the most out of it with intention, purpose and passion.
Second Mechanic of Staying Awake is Being of Service.
Being in a place of love, giving and showing love for others connects you with the energy of purpose. Think about the last time you volunteered to help another person out, do you remember how you felt? Fabulous, I’m sure! Doing good activates that good alive feeling inside of us. So ask Spirit, How May I Serve? Listen with love and act with purpose.
Third Mechanic of Staying Awake You Are Never Alone.
Always knowing that you have a Divine Team who supports you on your path and keeps you aligned to Spirit keeps you in full connection to faith. You are not meant to travel life solo and get to where you want to go all by yourself. Source, Angels, Ascended Masters and whatever higher force you believe in is here for you, with you and within you. If you ever feel lost or confused, ask your Divine Team and they will help to keep you awake and on purpose.
It’s a simple yet powerful loved filled message from my grandfather to you. I love you and thank you for the being the quiet yet courageous Soul who was the first to embark across the oceans and bring our family into the U.S. I am humbled to know the opportunities I have now and my ability to step into my purpose are deeply connect to your vision.
Seeing you living in brilliance, joy and abundance. Namaste.
This was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.