Over the past two weeks I have been pushing myself hard to create what’s next.
I was prepping to open up the doors again for Ignite Your Intuition for June but the voice within said, “Not yet.”
And so did technology. Nothing was working. So I stepped away to assess what my Soul desired.
Not yet is not always fear.
Or resistance.
Or an excuse, distraction, or procrastination.
A not yet can be Divine guidance opening you up to a new path. Tweet this!
Or greater connection.
A deeper wisdom that wants to truly be created in the moment.
So how do we know the difference?
Get to know your body’s telltale signs. The “not yet from the head” is the fear that also comes with anxiety ridden thoughts deeming you’re not worthy, not enough, or not ready. It’s heavy and constricting.
The “not yet from the soul” is loving and wise and feels like a gentle hand being placed on you to pause and get present. Words of discouragement don’t come spewing out from our soul’s guidance. It comes with a peaceful knowing from the depths of our body.
Don’t get it twisted with being ready. Your soul may be called at any moment, despite you believing that you’re ready.
Instead, you can ask:
Is the timing right?
Does this path (insert: business idea, relationship, eating this cheese pizza) feel true for me at this time?
The answers I received was to wait another several weeks. And I softened into that guidance. Aaaah, breathing room again.
When you’re getting conflicting energies about something that you’re creating and putting out into the world but feeling like something is off, take a moment to check in with your intuition. And discern between whether it’s a “not yet from the head” or a “not yet from the soul.”
So stay tuned my loves. IYI will be opening it’s doors soon to receive the next courageous Souls into the 6-week exhilarating journey of strengthening our intuition + living on purpose. If you’re not yet on the list, enter your name and email below so you’ll be the first to get special access to the program + bonuses too that only my peeps in the ILI community get to receive.
All my love,
The “not yet” I have right now is whether or not to go ahead and create a signature program for my business. It’s not based in fear, I know that. I’ve created programs before. It may not be my intuition speaking though. It’s more my dislike of boredom.
HI Linda! Thanks for sharing. Well if you’re creating out of “dislike of boredom” then check back in again to see what’s underneath the dislike. Bring that to the surface with curiosity then tune back to your intuition to see what feels aligned to create next 🙂
Boom! This is Super great especially when We are just not quite sure if its our Gut Talking or Our fear. Thank you For This post Christina!
Hi Tara! I’m happy this was helpful for you. It can be a little tricky to discern between the two but when we get super present with our Soul then it becomes easier to tell between the two. Plus a lot of times we here in the motivational world to “push through fear!” and “no excuses!” so we may dismiss a “not yet” as fear when really it’s intuitive guidance. <3